A (very) special adventure

Trois personnes Folie Douce Les Hôtels très particuliers

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Sometimes all you need to do is put your bags down and let yourself be surprised...

Staff Catering Very special hotels

Instead of working with what already exists, our teams are always thinking of new ideas to bring into existence.
Hotels (Très) Particuliers is all about this creative buzz, and with this boldness, a touch of nativity:
“What if we created a hotel that felt like a second home, where guests could enjoy a change of scenery that felt limitless? What if we created a hotel where the party never ended, a place that would surprise and delight, giving guests what they wanted before they even asked?”
Stepping out of the norm, however, requires pragmatic responses to the possibilities that come with it. This approach is backed by an expertise in all things hospitality and a mastery of traditional crafts, yet for us, we wanted talent that could go that extra mile, that could build ideas collectively and keep abreast of underlying trends. A team that can tailor each experience to all the complexities of life and our hopes. No one-size-fits-all responses, we take a more inventive approach, tackling issues head-on.

Our values
The key ingredient in the success of our customers' experience
is you!

Waiter with dishes Les Hôtels Très Particuliers

We encourage our teams to evolve within a culture of adaptability and responsiveness, so that each and every one of our employees can quickly adjust to change and rise to any challenge.

We design our spaces for flexible use to meet the demands of different customer targets and open our establishments every day, all year round.

We create experiences that are constantly evolving and improving to meet the needs of our different customer targets.

Woman around a work desk Les Hôtels Très Particuliers

Every employee contributes to the Group's development and plays a full part in the Les Hôtels (Très) Particuliers project. We value this commitment by enabling each employee to develop professionally.

Our establishments embrace the singularity of their history, and we enhance this heritage through territorial anchoring and local development.

We are committed to putting customer satisfaction at the heart of our strategy to deliver the best possible experience.

Les Hôtels Très Particuliers team

Conviviality is part of our culture, and we place it at the heart of the employee experience. We have a taste for contact, and want to create a working environment that fosters creativity, openness and exchange; an environment where everyone plays their part in making the workplace a better place to work.

We imagine and design our venues and experiences with a constant desire to bring people together, to be the alchemist of conviviality and sharing.

We imagine intergenerational experiences, creating places where young and old can bond.


Our business

Looking for a stimulating adventure? Les Hôtels (très) Particuliers is looking for talented, enthusiastic and proactive people to take part in an innovative and exciting project to reinvent mountain and country holidays.


Maecenas at metus leo. Aenean pellentesque, ipsum ac egestas malesuada, diam magna vehicula est, eget gravida felis metus eget elit. Vivamus id turpis eget enim lacinia gravida. Ut nunc arcu, maximus ac posuere vel, sagittis eget ligula. Maecenas in ligula at nibh aliquam rhoncus quis quis elit. Aliquam gravida sem vitae nibh dapibus, blandit blandit purus blandit. Suspendisse ultrices leo elementum sollicitudin lacinia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id nibh tempus, condimentum elit et, maximus elit. In sed tempor lectus. Aliquam facilisis suscipit ligula. Phasellus nec ante lobortis, mattis lorem nec, tempus ligula. Nunc vel nisi arcu. Duis convallis lectus vehicula purus congue, nec convallis risus ultrices. Curabitur commodo ultrices arcu, ut feugiat arcu imperdiet vel. Ut eget iaculis tellus. Fusce mattis purus pellentesque placerat porta. Pellentesque efficitur est nec tellus efficitur facilisis. Aliquam elementum feugiat tellus, at pretium nunc tempor finibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas quis ornare felis, ultricies finibus ex. Morbi blandit, metus ut vulputate mollis, nulla tellus commodo orci, a mattis risus lectus ac magna. Nunc varius felis in turpis tristique viverra.


Maecenas at metus leo. Aenean pellentesque, ipsum ac egestas malesuada, diam magna vehicula est, eget gravida felis metus eget elit. Vivamus id turpis eget enim lacinia gravida. Ut nunc arcu, maximus ac posuere vel, sagittis eget ligula. Maecenas in ligula at nibh aliquam rhoncus quis quis elit. Aliquam gravida sem vitae nibh dapibus, blandit blandit purus blandit. Suspendisse ultrices leo elementum sollicitudin lacinia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id nibh tempus, condimentum elit et, maximus elit. In sed tempor lectus. Aliquam facilisis suscipit ligula. Phasellus nec ante lobortis, mattis lorem nec, tempus ligula. Nunc vel nisi arcu. Duis convallis lectus vehicula purus congue, nec convallis risus ultrices. Curabitur commodo ultrices arcu, ut feugiat arcu imperdiet vel. Ut eget iaculis tellus. Fusce mattis purus pellentesque placerat porta. Pellentesque efficitur est nec tellus efficitur facilisis. Aliquam elementum feugiat tellus, at pretium nunc tempor finibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas quis ornare felis, ultricies finibus ex. Morbi blandit, metus ut vulputate mollis, nulla tellus commodo orci, a mattis risus lectus ac magna. Nunc varius felis in turpis tristique viverra.


Looking for a stimulating adventure? Les Hôtels (Très) Particuliers is looking for talented, enthusiastic and proactive people to take part in an innovative and exciting project to reinvent mountain and country holidays.

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